Why do we need the names of each participant? Lake Junaluska Housing requires that we provide to them a list of every individual that will be attending the camp for insurance and security purposes.

How do I fill out the form? The form below is completely digital. It is able to be filled out on your computer and submitted at the bottom of the page. Please do not try to print off and write in the info. Typing in the information yields fewer errors in communication. Only participant lists submitted through this form will be accepted.

There is a section for adult participants (separated by gender) and a section for youth participants (separated by grade completed and gender). PLEASE BE SURE YOU ARE ENTERING NAMES IN THE CORRECT CATEGORY.

Please complete your Participant List form by Monday, June 10, 2024. If you have any questions or run into any problems, please feel free to reach out to Ethan at (662-374-3665)

WARNING: This form may only be submitted from a laptop or desktop computer, please do not use a mobile device.